He’s a projecting, guitar playing, good housekeeping kind of guy.
I wouldn’t call myself a slob, there’s just always something better to do other than clean. I’m a good paper towel cleaner upper. I can wipe up the kitchen floor with a single section.
He’s also my husband and works full time. “Why doesn’t he retire?” friends ask. He loves to work. So do I. We’re a good pair and we compliment each other.
“It comes with the package,” my brother used to say about accepting the differences between two spouses. More specifically, about me back in the day when I spent more than Todd appreciated. But those days are over.
When we hear the engine of Todd’s little red car pull into the driveway, I know I have to work at breakneck speed to empty the litter box, sweep the floor, unload the dishwasher and straighten the newspapers. But I do, before I say, “Hi, honey!”
I can also make it appear that I have dinner in the works, not that he really minds if I don’t. “I can have pizza,” he’ll say.
He knows I’m a writer and respects my ways. (Mostly.)
I quickly close the computer, slip into my Converse while Fannie makes a run for her stuffed bear. Then, if I don’t make it in time to let her out, she sits stock-still at the door with little whimpers escaping. Todd’s the best “toy-tossing” pal ever and she’s ready for him with her “Home Sweet Home!” welcome.
This week I slipped out the front door as Todd entered the back to walk Fannie around the block. “Hi sweetheart! Be right back!” I say, wondering, where does the time go?
Fannie’s dismayed and ready to play but out the door we go, bear and all.
“Cute!” A neighbor comments from her porch. “It’s not often you see a dog walking her bear.”
“She’s ready to play. She’s been waiting all day!”
And the moral of the story?
Dogs are great at reminding us how to prioritize our time, how to show proper affection, and how to give a good greeting. They remind us how much we are loved and how to show it.
But where does the time go?
“Fannie!” Todd welcomes us from the screen door when we return from the walk. “Did she carry that bear the whole way?“
“Yes, she’s ready to play!”
“Did you water outside?” he asks.
“Not yet…” Where does the time go?
“I can have pizza,” he says tossing the bear across the room and Fannie catches it. “Yay!” we both say.
“Dinner’s almost ready…!” I’m a wiz in the kitchen where I head to pour wine into two glasses.
The next day I promise myself to do better, but at 5:21 I say, “Where does the time go?”, snap my laptop shut and unload the dishwasher at breakneck speed, just as we hear the engine of his little red car pull in…

Yes! You get some things accomplished and do not sweat the small stuff.
Oh, you always have the best outlook! 😀❤️❤️❤️🌻
😍💕♥️ Thank you!
What a sweet vignette! Thanks, Deb!
Good morning, lady and dog!!
Aww, thank you, Wynne! I appreciate that and am so happy to have discovered your wonderful writing! ❤️
I love it. Well-fed physically, intellectually, and spiritually! Dogs just get it❤️
The CENTER of gravity needs to be legitimate, reputable, effective, and stable as CHRIST is, about all things to be viable.
God: Ten Commandments = Civilization
Satan: Do what thou wilt = chaos
Confession of a writer! I get it, Deb! And I loved how you put this piece together—you’re a wonderful writer, pizza maker, dog walker…hey! It all gets done! I try to explain my “writing brain” and how I get SO BEHIND in life because my mind is lost in words…it’s so funny. I know why writers seclude themselves—specifically, I’m thinking a cabin in the mountains (but I’d find something like hiking, thinking, and admiring the views too pretty to write!). Love your pics—-and your heart! 💕
Yes, I agree💛
Karla, you’re so right. But, I find, often these distractions are the very things God wants us to write about!
I’m praying your wonderful words continue to be an inspiration and blessing for all those God guides to you. I know you surely are to me and so, so many! ❤️❤️
How beautiful, Deb! Yes, I understand so much! I had a “fire lit me under me” about my writing on Monday night. Something very “big”. Then, yesterday, my day was totally unexpected (a long day in the ER, but I won’t digress and today much better). It’s in these distractions we can find the divine details to enhance the planned blessings! I just love how God works. He is using you to bless me and so many others! You’re so kind to share such thoughts with me–it inspires me; I’m grateful! 💕🤗
Oh gosh, a long day in the ER…they seem to get longer since they have the fancy system that you can check on your phone for any updates. But not as many workers, that’s the problem. I’m so, so sorry, Karla. Feel free to digress with me anytime. I always do.😅 I’m so glad to hear it’s better today…(but I think you would say that any which way things go.) You’re one positive source of strength and encouragement. (I can’t wait till the day comes when we can meet face to face!What joy that will bring my heart.) Sending love and prayers for sweet dreams. ❤️❤️ I look forward to connecting soon.
Thank you, Deb! I feel bad for sharing that. I reflect to think, “Why did I do that?” lol. I think because here, with you and so many others, I feel SAFE! I’m better today. Soon, I will return for more bloodwork (in a few hours). I go weekly to the cancer center; it’s just part of my life now! I can’t wait to meet you face-to-face–either this side of heaven or in glory! Oh, what a day that will be! In the meantime, I’m glad we’re walking the “narrow way” together, my friend. Sending you the same love and prayers! 💕🤗🙏❤️💛
Karla, reading your note as I’m sitting here following a late lunch, Fannie very patiently waiting for her walk, it’s as if you were right here with me. My eyes welled up as I read. If you were here, you would have seen that. Since you aren’t, physically, I’m telling you. ☺️❤️
I often feel badly about what I’ve written and then later come to find out how it touched someone. It’s not easy, the Spirit wants our whole heart, that’s where the jewels are. We can’t pick and chose what we surrender for His use to touch another, we can only write in the flow of His Presence. I know that not everything we write will connect, sometimes maybe it’s meant just for us, we don’t know who God takes our words to or when. Sometimes, it’s lonelier than others to be obedient. Especially when you pour your heart out and it feels like no one is with you. But, we know Who is! And that’s why we write. Personally, I don’t have any interest in reading what is not tender and true, raw and beautiful and transformative. Someone said lately that it’s not as much about inspiration as transformation. (I just don’t remember who.) That’s what your writing is for me. I want to know, then I know how to pray. So thank you for your continued courage and honesty. I will pray for discernment for both of us. In the meantime, I’m with you, girl! Sending a huge hug! ❤️❤️ And it’s quite clear I’m not the only one!!!! 😄 May blessings shower your words and give them wings!
This touches my heart once more, Deb. It means more than you can imagine. “We don’t know who God takes our words to and when…sometimes it’s lonelier than others to be obedient.” Dear sister, oh, how I feel this! “And that’s why we write.” Like you, I don’t have interest in reading a lot of things that are not “soulful”. There are a few I follow that give depth to very basic of things—through pictures, quotes,…I find meaning. However, writers such as you, PULL the soul similarities out of me…make my heart and soul nod in agreement that I’ve found someone who understands! Who “gets it!” You’re writing is to me what mine is to you. I thank you so very much. Once, someone very close to me said, “Not everyone is going to read your style of writing.” So true! We are all different and unique. That comment never bothered me. In life, we have those we are drawn to in different ways. For me, it boils down to the heart and soul…the heart and soul for God! For others! I feel your hugs. I love you, Deb! I’m sending them to you. Thank you for being here and sharing with me. I know I’m not able to consistently read; but know I’m supporting you always. Love, Karla (and Finn) 💛❤️🙏
Karla, That’s so cool, you have a Finn, I have a Fannie!❤️❤️ sorry for my delayed response. When I read your words, there is no quick reply. It’s like pulling the covers up over you at night, the warmth settles in and one rests. There’s only one way such a connection as ours can be made. We have a Father who knows His daughters. 😍❤️❤️ It’s a beautiful Saturday morning here in Milwaukee. I just finished my quiet time on the front porch and have been praying. You came to mind, or maybe you never left. You are in my heart and prayers and there you stay! (My email is deb@debfarris.com if this little “room with so many windows” has too much exposure. Sorry there aren’t any curtains!)😄😘
Sending love. 🙆🏻♀️💕🙏
I love your words and analogies (and your heart!)! Your Fannie is a doll. I completely understand about delays. I really don’t have a routine anymore. Some days I might be here and can read, respond, and even write. Two to three days might go by, filled with unexpectedness (can happen to us all!), and I’m M.I.A.! I’m so glad the weather is beautiful in your area. Our area is “steamy” (like MANY)…family has been in from St. Louis (another family birthday today) and a beautiful breeze, and sporadic showers, have brought some relief! Thank you for your email—for our little “house” with no curtains, only beautiful views! Much love and prayers! 💛🙏