Carousel music
Sails across the sky to me.
Just the thought of you

Makes things whimsical.
So does walking beside you,
It is magical.

Inside a bookstore
Window, we see a book called
“Life Is Hard.” It is.

I am happiest
Walking outside in the sun.
The light lifts my eyes

Away from the world,
Up to the greater beyond,
Which is a relief.

I always return
To the place from which we left
Freer and lighter.

This is a good thing.
Some of us are predisposed
to introspection,

That’s why there are lakes
And sandy beaches, and stones perfect for skipping.

God sees our struggles
I think. So he sends good friends
And dogs. And pumpkins

In the fall. Flowers
In the spring. Snowfall
In the wintertime.

Apples and carmel
(Or maybe it’s car-a-mel,
I guess that’s correct,

Still I say carmel)
Taste best eaten in the fall.
Baked apples do too.

When people don’t rake,
And the city doesn’t sweep,
Streets look magical.

Fall is the best time
To be out in the fresh air.
Hope you can enjoy!

🍁🙋🏻☀️🌻💛 🍎 🍏

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