This is the place I often come to be with you. It’s funny how you are always here before I put my fingers to the keys. It seems I carry you around with me. We’ve grown close without trying. Because we aren’t afraid to share things here, things we carry in our hearts.
See, there was a time I believed it was all about me. But you showed me differently. You started bringing some people along with you to sit at the hearth with us. You knew better than I who would enjoy being with us, so I learned to just wait and see who would show up. What unexpected joy.
This morning, I’ve cut the pumpkin bread while the fresh ground coffee drips into our cups.

With our mugs and comfy chairs, we’re ready. You have never seemed to mind that my fingers are busy on the keyboard as we sit here together. And it was you who helped me realize the importance of listening before typing. Even back in my theatre days, I was not a good listener. Maybe that’s why acting didn’t become a passion.
I was always worried about what to say next. It was a rare occasion that I trusted the Spirit, who’s always available to guide us, so we can take our time, reacting, responding, and revealing the tender places. But when I did? It was marvelous. You have helped me so much with that. Because I trust you. Trust is so important.
Trust with what?

Trust with myself for one, and believing my thoughts are valid, that my life is valid, that I have something of value to share. I needed you in order to recognize that. So many times I felt I couldn’t be truthful. Who wants to share the real truth? Right? You showed me truth is the only thing worth sharing. I learned that from you.
Here, have some pumpkin bread. It’s from Breadsmith. Don’t you just love Breadsmith? To me, the bread is the taste of fall. You know, pumpkins and all…

I saw someone decorating their yard on my way home from church on Sunday. Their lawn was wall-to-wall with blow-up pumpkins, skeletons, witches on broomsticks and all sorts of things. It looked like our attic or my head on a bad day. It’s fun for some I s’pose, but I crave open spaces. I don’t need any more clutter in my life. But that’s me.
You may have noticed, it’s been awhile since I’ve joined you here. Todd and I were talking, and he said, he didn’t think blogging was doing me any good. He suggested that working more on my manuscripts and getting some things submitted and published might be a better use of my time. That was three weeks ago, almost to the day. How’s that going, you ask?

Well, for one, I’ve realized how terribly much I miss you. And I haven’t submitted anything, but I have worked on the manuscripts, I enrolled in a writer’s retreat and signed up for the Wisconsin Writer’s Association Conference . I can thank Todd for that, for getting me out of my head and back out there a bit more. I’ve met some new writers already and have learned some great things about letting go of the inner critic (ugh) and it’s all very exciting.
Secondly, I’ve realized how much we need each other. Maybe soon we’ll be inviting others in to join us here at the hearth. I hope so.
There are so many things I want to share with you since the last time we were together. (Like rediscovering the Lakefront over Labor Day!)

But for today, this is what’s important for me to say: You, my friend, have shown me that it’s not about me. It’s about you!
You, who are in my heart, words connect us, but also the silences, and most importantly, the listening. You taught me this and it has made all the difference. I just wanted to tell you that today. So here’s to you—your words, your silences, and to listening. Like I said, you’ve changed my life—thank you.

With Love
Photos except for Fannie, Unsplash
That room, full of light…
And, in front of the big window, a sofa inviting you to long conversations…
Complemented with this beautiful lake, your companion, and a dog!
What a feeling of peace!
So cozy and inspiring for a writer-poet lady!
Congratulations, Deb!
Carlos! How cool! A reader led me back to a post I wrote in 2018 (Induction) that you responded with the most beautiful comment. It was the comments on that post that encouraged me to keep working on this one, close my eyes, say a prayer and hit publish. So thank you! You are my faithful friend. With much gratitude, Debi
And such a beautiful picture and scripture you have shared here, capturing the colors with God’s beauty! Thank you!
Honestly, I had the feeling that you were talking to our ever-present FRIEND, LORD Jesus.
I echo what “100% Jesus” said. I had the sense you were in a conversation with God.
At the same time it’s clear you were also including your readers. As to blogging, it’s hard to find a balance. I find my blog posts are just as important to me as the book manuscripts I’m working on and the short stories I wish I could write better. I just have to spend some time on each of them.
That’s easy for me to say–I’m retired.
Keep writing, and keep doing what feels right and good and authentic and faithful to you.
I’m so glad you’re back. I’ve missed your thoughts and words. You are valued – by me! Keep writing ♥️♥️
Your living room and fireplace tell you are a perfectionist, careful with your pieces in their proper place. And your text also expresses the same.
Thank you, lady! 🙂
Thank you, Sir Larry F. Sommers!
Hi Deb, Interesting dialogue. I initially thought you were talking about Jesus too, but I also see you were talking to His sheep and maybe potential sheep. There is an intimacy in writing that transcends time and space, especially by and to those who we hold dear. I find it amazing what the human mind and heart can produce, when guided by God’s Holy Spirit. There is a touching of the heart that distance and time has no control over. It is both a touching and a recognition of oneness between ourselves and others that lingers long after the words have been written.
I’m probably being selfish but I hope you continue to write to us sheep. You have a gift, use it to bring glory to God. By doing so you will feed both yourself and others, because of the source and yes, it matters. Blessings Deb!
I am honored to join you, Deb, as we chat through our computers. It WOULD be fun to gather with your other readers in that lovely, cozy living room. For now we’ll have to settle for virtual conversation on the interwebs! To that end, I too hope you’ll find time to connect with us here, in between your other projects.
Nancy, Why does the scripture that is usually used for weddings pop into my head…? What God has joined together…? Thank you for your lovely words. I believe these connections we have are gifts. I couldn’t be more grateful to you and others. How I continually learn, think more deeply, am challenged by, inspired and gain so much more than I could have ever hoped for or imagined. It’s a family I have grown to love. Can’t let it go! No, no! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank You
I loved reading your dyadic meeting with Creativity Ima. I have missed you too… It’s an honor to follow your journey.
I also know that feeling of giving more time to something you want to do… I have that dilemma too. It becomes a juggling of home chores, business upkeep and support, blogging and having a possible book waiting for attention. I wish you a blessed journey. 💜🙋♀️
Oh Morag, and me too, you—a blessed journey! We’re in this together. Isn’t that cool?! Thank you for your continued encouragement. Sending love you way. ❤️🙋🏻
Martha, ❤️❤️❤️
You’re amazing, Bruce! I did move through all three of those scenarios as I worked on this piece! When I’d get too stuck in one place I’d have to stop and step away from it, saying, wait a minute…who am I talking to? 😄 I almost gave up on it and had that terrible feeling of so much time wasted wash over me. As I was making lunch, a new acquaintance from the Writing Retreat wrote to me which gave me a little hope. It was just enough encouragement to allow me to return to the post with fresh eyes and a calm heart. And boom, it fell into place, I hit Publish and moved on. I’m learning better not to trust my feelings about my writing, they are as changing as the sea. I remember hating something I wrote once, but then my writing coach/friend, Laurie read it back to me, saying she disagreed with me. Just like that, I liked it too. I recognize when it’s time to step away. A walk will do wonders. We know the Unchangeable One. He is always faithful to meet me there. Just like you are here! I just love your comments. How many years has it been…? Sending a big hug and blessings to my Uncle Bruce and family. I just love you. 🙋🏻❤️
Nancy, thanks for listening and for your priceless encouragement. You’re my writing angel. ❤️❤️
Larry, Such wise words from my new favorite writer! ☺️Thank you for sharing and affirming that writing is a juggling act much of the time. To keep going. We get better at it. To stay true to oneself and remaining faithful. To water and prune the precious gift we’ve received. You are also very perceptive and correct about who I was in conversation with! ❤️❤️❤️
Carlos, you are so right. I truly can be my own worst enemy. I only need to be reminded who the Perfect One is, offer my thanks and get on with the work. Appreciate you. ❤️
Honestly, I was. And you too! ❤️❤️
Thank you so much 🙋♀️💜🙏
Well there! I feel better already, Deb! It never hurts to step away, from my experience. It’s when you rush to publish that one has to guard against. You have a beautiful gift, the ability to paint a complete picture with words and the ability to show your heart in what you paint. That is rare. A big hug and God’s blessings right back at ya, to you and yours! ❤️ 👍🏼 🙏
(Can you believe how long my comment was?!😅)
Well said, Deb, and I understand. I am finding there aren’t enough hours in the day for all my writing, so I’m thinking about taking a year off blogging in 2024. It will have been six years since I started, so it seems like a biblical thing to do – taking a “Sabbath year.” I’m hoping it will be a year to wrap up some unfinished projects.
Glad you touched base with us, though. Blessings in whatever the Lord is bringing your way. 🙂👍
Ann, I’m finding a better rhythm for now with one post a week instead of two or three. Many have become a big part of my life and prayers. I start to miss you. It’s hard to keep up with everyone’s work as I’d like. We do our best. Prayers will keep us together if not our blogs. ❤️
Warm photos and encouraging words…thank you for sharing with us!
Thank you so much! (I apologize I missed your comment earlier.)