Sometimes you have to get all the way over to the other side of something before you can see it for what it was, which can be so different from how it seemed at the time.
Dog in T-shirt to protect sutures, feeding dog by hand, giving meds wrapped in sausage have all reminded me of a special time with a special pal. Well, many actually. Old Dog and you.
Mr. Sam helped me get through the closing chapters of my dad Bill’s life. But so did you. And, oh, how you helped me get through dad’s death, and then Mr. Sam’s. I never felt alone.
You see, I realize now how much you helped carry me through that time of loss. I didn’t even realize it at the time, but every one of those small moments, of those often overwhelming days, I could hold in my hand like little jewels. Passing them on to you to share with me, the silliest little moments, seemingly so small, became precious when you experienced them with me.
I didn’t realize at the time how much you were in those moments with me, and how much joy and life and support that gave me. I was so busy being in those moments, holding on to what I thought I was losing.
But now I do, because it comes back to me. As New Dog seems to reflect Old Dog on this side of heaven, it’s as though the same big brown eyes are staring back at me all over again to remind me of the memories of you being there with me. You kept me from focusing on my fears and grief.
Thank you for sharing those and these days of small moments with me. I’m sorry it took me so long to say that, here on the other side of all that.
But as life continues with all its unexpected experiences and lessons and love, that you share, and I share, and we share together, I’m so glad we’re in this life together.
I just wanted to tell you that. ❤️

It’s amazing what we can go through when not alone. I do understand how different the perspective and understanding changes from the backside of things. Someday, ultimately, the sigh on the backside of life will make the all the previous sighs added together feel small.
Now there’s another great “Garyism”—
“the sigh on the backside of life will make the all the previous sighs added together feel small.”
That’s something to ponder! 🙂
When we take a dog as pet it becomes our family member like others we just can’t imagine without it! Your dog is very cute! Well shared thanks😊💕
I agree. Thanks so much for sharing our pups, past and present, with me! ❤️
You are welcome stay blessed ❣️💕🌹
Dad always said when we get to the other side we’ll be bowled over by our four legged family members. It’s a sentiment I can get behind!
Kelly, me too!