How often do you see
Someone with tears in their eyes
Because they are so

Happy to see you?
How often do you sit and
Share all that life has

Given and taken away?

“I’m a Quaker now,”
She said before she left for
The airport. “I wanted

You to know that.”

“My old boss was a Quaker,”
I said. “He was the
Best boss ever.” It wasn’t

Until after she
Left, I wondered why that
Was important for

Her to tell me. How
Often does God remind you…
When life laid its heavy

Self on you, you began
To realize, it’s so much better
to see others through

The lens of truth and beauty.
Because God does. Is
There any other way to

See? A wise woman
Once told me, what is not
Remembered in love

Is forgotten. I
liked that. But now I see
Better. Why can’t all

Things fit into that group?

Lyndon Sculpture Garden June 16, 2018

“We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

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