it’s mid november
when everthing is painted in muted tones with

textures still defined
before the snow falls—a good time to hike!

we drove to kettle
moraine this past week, when it hit the 70s!

todd took the day off.
we stopped at fiddleheads in cedarburg first for

coffee. gps
wasn’t so good at finding pike lake. but we did

we walked on the trails with all the sweet naple leaves

weaving a carpet
beneath our feet. we followed paths, climbing the hills

and traveled through the
valleys, glaciers had formed. there were obstacles too.

and sometimes we took
wrong turns and had to back track. hikes are much like life!

today I think back
to our time in the woods and the warm weather.

already the temp
has dropped to 30, with snow flurries in the air!

bare bark and hard earth ,
the colors of sheep’s wool, goats’ hair, burlap and sand

will soon be covered
in blankets of snow. ice will hang like chandeliers

there will be more soups,
less salads from our kitchen and more time to write!

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