Walking through the woods in an icy winter snow when breath becomes crystallized and trees bejeweled
Or walking in the spring when a tree births new buds and leaves trails of sweet scents lingering
Or napping beneath a summer umbrella of limbs as breezes, scarves of satin, brush against skin
Or being fanned into flame by fall’s fiery red, orange and gold as leaves crackle beneath feet
I can imagine a tree is content when it reflects Glory. Does its nature lie there within the expression of God’s Nature?
He creates, gives life, a tree responds, He responds to that response.
Do we? What do we do when Divine breath meets ours?
His Nature—this Jesus—I ponder. I imagine He is bejeweled, bringing buds of new life within, wafting sweet scents with the gentlest caress, fanning new life into flame.
And I imagine my nature is found in response to His Nature meeting mine and together, we can create something new only we alone are able.
Spending time with His Nature I experience His expression through nature. I respond, then He responds to my response.
And together we create a most extraordinary dance!

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