It’s the Season to climb higher toward deeper Truth

To ask Wisdom questions we’ve been afraid to ask

To follow our own Path laid out toward the Light like the Magi traveling to the Manger

To set our eyes on the Hills and know the Presence of God is here with us in the everyday ordinary of our lives


Aware of Nature my own nature becomes so naturally inconsequential

Divine images and impressions unfold unexpectedly

I’m not looking for them

I run into them

Like old friends

And new friends


Maybe it is intentional because I’ve come to a place where I just unnaturally want to see more of God and less of myself


One Person conceived

One splendid star led

Kings humbly bowed

One Miracle within Mary

Filled with Grace

One Inconceivable Conception according to God’s Will


Glorious Grace

Mystery made known

Christ came into the world


To bring all things on earth and in heaven together under One Head

And so too all things within you within me—physical, spiritual—predestined

Brought together under one head

Chosen like Mary


The Messiah reveals

The fullness of the Deity within you

New Life is born


Chosen one

Beautiful one



God with us


God in us


Born to save a weary world

Born to save our weary souls

The Mystery

The Miracle

of Christmas

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