“It’s a yoga mat and I’m getting it!” I can’t believe what I just found at a gas station. “Janet used these in her classes.”
“You remember that from Janet’s yoga class 14 years ago?” He says as he drives away. “Your mind. You really crack me up.”
“That’s what it is, and it was really cheap.” I say trying to brush the lint off that has shed all over my black t-shirt. “You can put it underneath you if you have lower back pain .” He looks at me in a quizzical fashion. “You know, for support. Rolled up. To stretch.”
“Like a pillow.”
“No, not a pillow, I mean for your back.”
“Oh, under your back.”
“Yes.” How have we communicated for 24 years?
“You’re not going in any more stores. I can just see you sliding around on the wood floor with that thing. Have you touched it? It’s really scratchy.”
He’s still laughing ten minutes later as we’re driving along. “What is so funny?”
“It’s like the reverse of that pussy faced thing that happens when you cry.” More laughter. Honestly, I wonder if he got stoned in the bathroom.
“You have fun on road trips…I don’t remember where we were when we stopped. Did you get a receipt?”
“Why would we need a receipt?”
“For the story I’m sure you’re going to write.”
Oh, right, the yoga mat, he wants me to write about. That’s funny. Haha. To him. He’s still laughing. I don’t know why. “Actually…it’s a yoga blanket.”
He picks the coffee up I just got out of the cup holder and it spills all over.
“Omg. You didn’t put the lid on!”
“Yes I did.”
We made it to Winchester, Virginia where my son lives, loaded up on groceries, then drove a couple of very slow bumpy miles on a dirt road to a secluded little nest on the Shenandoah. WiFi? Not so good, and that’s probably a good thing. ❤️
Thanks so much for keeping me company! Sending love ❤️

This trip continues to become more fun!! Love the yoga blanket!! ( I teach yoga!!!) And the muffin!!!
Always a pleasure! Blessings!
I hope all is well with you all, Bruce. I think of you so often. ❤️ Sending blessings back.
What a fun(ny) road trip Debs; I must admit I love them too!
That muffin. What a hoot. 😄 And I really need to get back to yoga one of these days. I’m thinking…that blanket…even if it sheds and is a little scratchy…
I’m going to really need some yoga after this trip…🤣💛🌻👨🦰🙆🏻♀️
Hi Deb, Peg and I are doing OK, some days are a tad better than others but in the big scheme of things, they are all good. You are often in my thoughts also. I can see you smiling from here! God bless you and yours richly in Christ Jesus! ❤️
Aww, Bruce, tears with.a big smile here. Sending big hugs. ❤️❤️
Oh, Carlos, I can’t open the video. Thanks for reading❤️
J.S. Bach) Air On The G String – Gabriella Quevedo
Hi, Deb!
Here is the link. enjoy!
Thank you, Carlos! One of my favorites.
Mine too!