First comes joy’s anticipation–beauty to behold. Then the daily drudgery of mastering the tendu. Pulls, tears, breaks–the pain of perfecting technique. Joy becomes something of the past as I am forced into stillness, injured.

Then, evidence of healing appears. The unfortunate coincidence becomes the realization that His forethought has been pulling me near, close to the heart of hearts. His Creator’s heart. He understands. He is the One perfecting my technique. He is both wonder and knowledge. My joy born of wonder deepens as I emerge from disappointment, depression–that dry, desolate disillusionment.

The perseverance of this dance moves me into His depths as I cling to His strength. Mine is gone. I choose His will over mine.

I have learned discipline and moved from Love’s Wonder into the depth’s of Love’s Knowledge which exists in the Dance of Grace.

“Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls. All your waves and breakers have swept over me. By day the Lord direct’s his love, at night, his song is with me–a prayer to the God of my life.”  Psalm 42: 7,8

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