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Beautiful Things

Beautiful Things

Who can turn off the moon or flip off the starlight? Not you. Not I. We are who the sky invites to sit beneath its vast canopy and rest within the moon’s light or beneath the sun as it traverses across this great field of a sky And we are where the salty sea...
Get to the Gate Girl!

Get to the Gate Girl!

Are you supposed to use the airport check-in computers or can you just go straight to the counter? I’m never sure. I seemed to remember having a few issues in the past so I bypassed them altogether until I could ask someone. “You can come forward.” The attendant said....
Airport Multi-tasking

Airport Multi-tasking

Sounds like you’re in Dallas. Are you coming or going? my husband texted. I had to smile at that. Coming, I wrote back. They’re waiting for a place to park the plane. I snapped a photo from the window to send to him. Hurry! Hurry? I glanced at my phone. I...
Coffee and Conversation 7 The Traveler

Coffee and Conversation 7 The Traveler

I could drive from NYC to Chicago on adrenaline no problem on just a few hours’ sleep beneath the glaring lights of the street lamps and mosquito buzzing, in the well-patrolled rest stops along the way. The final stretch from Chicago to Milwaukee, though, was...
The Traveler

The Traveler

I could drive from NYC to Chicago on adrenaline no problem on just a few hours’ sleep beneath the glaring lights of the street lamps and mosquito buzzing, in the well-patrolled rest stops along the way. The final stretch from Chicago to Milwaukee, though, was...

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