




Cat Lesson?

Cat Lesson?

Sustaining can sometimes mean surviving and surviving can sometimes be a battle–organizationally and personally. When I’ve been faced with limitations, my own or otherwise, I’ve said, You are my Refuge. Sustain me according to Your Purpose. Do not...
Beauty Enters Slowly

Beauty Enters Slowly

The wind is coming from the north. I notice it first because the tall grass is bending to the south and then I am aware of its caress against my skin. The sun’s heat presses down and enters.  You always wait for an invitation.  The grass stills. The bee flies...
The Water Has Risen and Come to Us

The Water Has Risen and Come to Us

Wildflowers scattered the banks on both sides of us as we drove down the familiar road to the cabin.  With his head out the window, he could taste the air’s sweetness, and panted and breathed in great gulps of it. I watched him in the mirror as his dark eyes...
In the Beauty

In the Beauty

Eyes rested, ears soothed, enchanted, now you travel. No stone impedes your progress. The thin veil reveals only forms, edges, outlines, and yet, wonders above, before, beneath draw to you ever active, creative, guiding, protective strength. Newness. Life. Energy...


Thirsty shores quenched by laughing, lapping waves. Sky wrinkled from a long night’s work. Clouds, like cloaks, reveal pockets full of mystery. Against the somber waters, wings of hope appear and my eyes can see that nature, my close companion, understands the...

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