




Morning Thirst

Morning Thirst

Trees shed evening rain silver beads in morning light. Who expected jewels from the sky? Not I. If I stood beneath, unfurled my fingers, I could reach out and catch a drop or two. But from my perch I’ll watch and view nature’s work revealed in hues of green and see...
Still Bearing Fruit

Still Bearing Fruit

Little tree, I do meet perchance, strolling on a summer day. Your fruit so plentiful, branches loaded, you are a picture of abundance. But what of these limbs when winter bare? Stark and colorless, no billowing form to shade this ground. Harvest complete, or so it...
Unexpected Guest

Unexpected Guest

Have you ever had an unexpected guest travel along side you as you take a walk—-in front, behind, above, beside and bop you on the head kind of guest? Funny Monarch. Nature’s tinker bell, spiritual symbol, life’s reminder of hope sometimes knows it has to stick around...
Wisdom in a Rose

Wisdom in a Rose

My eyes follow the ants marching in a straight line up the side of the house heading toward the kitchen window after first discovering them assembled in clusters beneath the pots of oregano, basil and fennel that I keep forgetting to snip for our summer suppers and I...
A Slow Waltz

A Slow Waltz

Three things I have come to realize I am completely incapable of achieving on my own. No matter how hard I try, I fail. But every day, I begin again with good intent. I have found no better way to inspire peace, patience and purity than in observing nature. So I walk....

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