by Deb Farris | Feb 14, 2014 | Family, Uncategorized
Every year, my husband and I agree that we don’t have to celebrate Valentine’s Day because we don’t need a designated day to say our love is special. Some years we agree not to get each other a card. On others, we agree to get one. One year, Todd...
by Deb Farris | Jan 22, 2014 | Family, Uncategorized
“I’ll get dressed and take you out, Sam,” Todd says to our dog as he runs up the steps and trips, causing a loud thud. I jump. Are you okay…? I think but don’t ask. It’s early morning, I’m not really awake yet and Todd is a teaser....
by Deb Farris | Dec 28, 2013 | Family, Uncategorized
It’s not so bad really, being sick on your break. You can just sit and no one bothers you….except maybe to ask you to clean out the hall closet if you just so happen to get a spurt. A spurt of what…I wonder. You also finish the books that have been...