




Another Year Younger

Another Year Younger

The tall thick blades of wild barley grass grew beside the cement steps that led to a sidewalk which wrapped around half of our farm house. It didn’t lead anywhere but it was good for learning how to roller-skate. Pink and white peony bushes were scattered across our...
Soul’s Garden

Soul’s Garden

From the distance, the limbs layered with maple leaves look like the tree’s heavy overcoat. Up close, just a breath of air, a bird’s wings and each leaf flutters in independence. How stately and majestic the tree stands in its new summer attire. It wears...

With Grace

She called me Gracie to remind me to pray for grace. I called her Grace to remind me too. She taught me that grace is the essence of life. Without it, we fall. Today she lies in ICU, I don’t know if I will ever hear her voice again. The voice of Grace in my...


Rising Sun Forgiver, Healer Joy filler   Your hands open to mine Clenched, drained   I sink into Your love Reach for Your cup Think of forgiveness I try to forgive and get stuck in my head Forgiveness comes from You Flows, cures, heals I am inadequate You are adequate...

Red on Blue

Sun caresses my closed eyes Birds sing me into silence Buds on branches burst green, pulsing with unseen life Red cardinal lands on limb, fidgets, flies A memory of beauty Majestic red against blue sky A touch of Love on my heart  ...

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