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A Safe Duck

It takes four hours for a chick to come out of its shell, up to ten for the runt who may be abandoned by its mother as she manages a dozen or so waddling, roving, hungry ducklings, anxious for a swim. The child watches and takes the tiny wet mass of feathers into her...

Getting Dressed

Good morning! It’s time to get dressed. Don’t rush, as some do, reaching for the obvious with, “Hurry up, get busy!” already on their minds. I will clothe your mind. I will cover you in stain-free white. See how the sun flickers through the...

The New Bed

  It’s Saturday morning and the phone rings as I’m making coffee. “Debbie, I can’t find the mattress protector.” Dad bought a new bed this week. “Didn’t you buy one?” “I thought so.” “I’m pretty sure John (my brother) said you did.” “Louis (his friend) put the...

Last Day of our Trip

It came up out of nowhere. The tall umbrellas, once far from the shoreline, were now nestled in water. The boat headed out had been beaten back, unable to mount it. Specks looking like ants were submerged then reappeared with screams and shouts of laughter. Eighty...

I Love You Because

I remember that his hand was still warm as I watched my father take it into his own, wrapping it—warmth against warmth. Sometimes that’s all we can do is hold on…   And I remember now, the bird with the yellow crown—like the yellow cap my brother wore—which sat in the...

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