




Living in the Pages of a Well Read Book

Living in the Pages of a Well Read Book

My father’s hands wore away the front and back covers of his Bible. The binding is cracked and if he were still around, I know that he’d eventually have it rebound. He took good care of his books. But I like it the way it is. If I’m not careful, the leather...
True Light

True Light

I look at the lights on our tree and wonder if there was a send-off party before He came here. Were lights strung on trees there? And ribbons wrapped around gifts for Him in honor of the Gift He would give to us? I wonder if He met with Moses, debated with Deborah,...

Recipe: Beating the Blues

“Get some rest. Don’t stress over the weekend about anything. That’s what Mondays are for,” my co-worker said with a giggle and her usual twinkle as I walked out of the office this evening. I had filled a manilla folder full of what I had hoped...
Remembering the Corn Story

Remembering the Corn Story

One Thanksgiving years ago, my dad read a story about some kernels of corn in his Reader’s Digest. He pointed it out to me and shared the magazine but, taking little interest in the subject matter, I didn’t read it. I’m sure my thoughts were on more...
Moments in the Morning

Moments in the Morning

Breeze Breathe Drops of rain like diamonds from above All possibilities of this day Listen Hear it? Choose accordingly Not according to plan According to the Spirit Be Blessed

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