




Senses Be Still

Senses Be Still

Senses be still, hush my heart. As the ripples extend outward across the water so Joy will spread, beyond all comprehension, century upon century, its fruit still bearing. Photo credit: Todd Farris
Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing

I open the door for a morning walk for the last time in Tucson with confidence that you are about to head home too, but with a confluence of emotions. I sweep away the dead leaves and twigs from the orange tree that have fallen since I swept yesterday. I want the road...
Love Letter

Love Letter

Little dove, my dearest one, you thought your life was almost done. But when you saw that you might sink, you fluffed your feathers and chirped, “Wait! Think! What about those things God has called my...
Song of the Afflicted

Song of the Afflicted

When the world’s weight rests on top the weary wounded what have they to do? Climb higher on the wire up towards heaven’s view. With words they weep for the afflicted, for they know affliction. And in their pain, songs of mercy sing. So you there; lost in...
A Rose for a Rose I Suppose

A Rose for a Rose I Suppose

For a moment, I watched to see if your eyes would open. You were resting. I didn’t want to disturb you so I walked around to the side of the bed to just look into your sweet face. Your arms and hands were so pale, but even after all you had been through, your face was...

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