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Do You Hear?

Do You Hear?

“Did you hear?” Todd asked. “The birds are back.” We were having coffee in the space that has now become our home office. The lines between the two—work and home—have blurred beyond belief and I’m not experienced at this. Two days of working from home, I...
Thankful for You

Thankful for You

So it’s Thanksgiving and at the moment I’m thankful for Fannie getting me up and moving this morning. We’re just taking it easy today. No big meals. No pressure to get up and get going. It will be a simple kind of day that I will simply cherish. Like our walk to the...
An Enchanted Evening

An Enchanted Evening

The violin called out a sweet message setting a stage of elegance. I lifted my eyes from my conversation to the staircase as the dancers made their entrance and slowly began their descent into the space where the audience stood watching mesmerized and suddenly we were...
Front Porch

Front Porch

The great thing about sitting on a front porch is the people you get to see. You’re there to notice when a car stops in front of your house. I was sitting on the porch trying to write a blog. I didn’t really have anything to say but I was avoiding the bigger...
Beautiful Things

Beautiful Things

Who can turn off the moon or flip off the starlight? Not you. Not I. We are who the sky invites to sit beneath its vast canopy and rest within the moon’s light or beneath the sun as it traverses across this great field of a sky And we are where the salty sea...

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