




Song of the Afflicted

Song of the Afflicted

When the world’s weight rests on top the weary wounded what have they to do? Climb higher on the wire up towards heaven’s view. With words they weep for the afflicted, for they know affliction. And in their pain, songs of mercy sing. So you there; lost in...
Airport Multi-tasking

Airport Multi-tasking

Sounds like you’re in Dallas. Are you coming or going? my husband texted. I had to smile at that. Coming, I wrote back. They’re waiting for a place to park the plane. I snapped a photo from the window to send to him. Hurry! Hurry? I glanced at my phone. I...
Like a Bird

Like a Bird

What of this travel up rocky terrain, storms pushing against us? Pilot dips the nose of plane, so tuck your chin against the winds and like a bird rise to unexpected heights of Beauty Photo credit: Roya Ann Miller
Little Holes in My Heart

Little Holes in My Heart

You walked with me that day even though you had a blister covering the corner of your heel from our hike the day before. The Tucson sun beat down on the exposed skin of your neck and calves, turning them pink even though you took extra care with the sunscreen. But the...
Old Van Metaphor

Old Van Metaphor

Old white van parked on the roadside, mud speckled in snow. Marble streaks and tire tracks from window frame could be a photograph. Consider miles traveled through rain and ice, her engine puttering sparks of life as shiny sedans and semi road hogs blast their horns....

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