by Deb Farris | Jun 7, 2018 | Musings, Poetry
I don’t think I am old yet. Maybe that’s because I don’t want to stop growing. I no longer hunger busyness. I have a taste for a quiet place, around me and in me. I thirst a quenchable thirst. I’m satisfied by soft unspoken Word that plays no tricks on my mind....
by Deb Farris | May 20, 2018 | Dance, Greater Good, Musings
I am a dancer and I work at a nonprofit called Danceworks. I usually write about my work on our Danceworks blog instead of here. This is my personal blog but since this post ventures a little into the personal, I thought it might be better served here. Our mission at...
by Deb Farris | Apr 15, 2018 | Musings, Uncategorized
The one good thing about a spring snowfall is that you can have a lengthy Sunday afternoon nap and take a walk in it while it’s still light out! Last month I would have already been pouring a glass of wine and cooking dinner at 6:00. Springtime takes on an...
by Deb Farris | Apr 7, 2018 | Devotions
Seeds planted in hearts where peace is promised. Seeds planted in fields where weeds grow. Gardener is careful not to pull them up too quickly—tender, unrooted seedlings shrivel and die. Garden takes time, still I become impatient, atuned to what I have not. Unbelief...
by Deb Farris | Feb 23, 2018 | Musings
I open the door for a morning walk for the last time in Tucson with confidence that you are about to head home too, but with a confluence of emotions. I sweep away the dead leaves and twigs from the orange tree that have fallen since I swept yesterday. I want the road...