




Get to the Gate Girl!

Get to the Gate Girl!

Are you supposed to use the airport check-in computers or can you just go straight to the counter? I’m never sure. I seemed to remember having a few issues in the past so I bypassed them altogether until I could ask someone. “You can come forward.” The attendant said....
Lunch “Hour” with the Pets

Lunch “Hour” with the Pets

I really thought I was getting this down to a science… Walk in back door. Feed Fannie, carry Sam outside. Let him sniff. Move fast to add second load of wash. Leash Fannie. Grab baggies and treats as Fannie flings jubilantly around ankles and prances out the...
The Pumpkins Are Going to Make It

The Pumpkins Are Going to Make It

I think the pumpkins are going to make it this year. There must be enough in the neighborhood to keep the squirrels eating courses, traveling from house to house like we’ve always wanted to do ourselves: first course at Winnie’s, second at Connelly’s , third at...
Still Bearing Fruit

Still Bearing Fruit

Little tree, I do meet perchance, strolling on a summer day. Your fruit so plentiful, branches loaded, you are a picture of abundance. But what of these limbs when winter bare? Stark and colorless, no billowing form to shade this ground. Harvest complete, or so it...
Unexpected Guest

Unexpected Guest

Have you ever had an unexpected guest travel along side you as you take a walk—-in front, behind, above, beside and bop you on the head kind of guest? Funny Monarch. Nature’s tinker bell, spiritual symbol, life’s reminder of hope sometimes knows it has to stick around...

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