




A Time for New Life

A Time for New Life

Advent: Day 19 “What do you want to do with these plants you have in the attic? They’re dead. I’m bringing them down,” Todd said. “Oh, I know. I killed them.” Neither of the two orchids had shown any signs of life for months but I had kept hoping. I had to accept my...
Front Porch

Front Porch

The great thing about sitting on a front porch is the people you get to see. You’re there to notice when a car stops in front of your house. I was sitting on the porch trying to write a blog. I didn’t really have anything to say but I was avoiding the bigger...
Stirred by a Noble Theme

Stirred by a Noble Theme

  My heart is stirred by a noble theme. It is not the first time. But I will not let it go this time. He comes to me in the early morning hours. I wait, listening for the wind but hear none. It’s too early for the birds so I lie in silence. Only the sounds from within...

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