




Old Van Metaphor

Old Van Metaphor

Old white van parked on the roadside, mud speckled in snow. Marble streaks and tire tracks from window frame could be a photograph. Consider miles traveled through rain and ice, her engine puttering sparks of life as shiny sedans and semi road hogs blast their horns....
Come to Me

Come to Me

I wait as she rises from the darkness at dawn, shaking off night’s debris. She never forces her way in, she has traveled the distance and knows steadiness. She seems to sense that I can only take her presence in slowly, sometimes imperceptibly, until she can crack the...


The day’s begun, I bow my head, and whisper words beneath the sun. Bring power and majesty to this earth so that within all life there is rebirth. I will not doubt Your Presence, still; but lift my eyes up to the hill. Send down Your grace and teach me love....
Living in the Pages of a Well Read Book

Living in the Pages of a Well Read Book

My father’s hands wore away the front and back covers of his Bible. The binding is cracked and if he were still around, I know that he’d eventually have it rebound. He took good care of his books. But I like it the way it is. If I’m not careful, the leather...
True Light

True Light

I look at the lights on our tree and wonder if there was a send-off party before He came here. Were lights strung on trees there? And ribbons wrapped around gifts for Him in honor of the Gift He would give to us? I wonder if He met with Moses, debated with Deborah,...

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