




When Overcome By the One Who Became

When Overcome By the One Who Became

I have come from one place, arrived here, and am now in-between here and the place I am going. I wait in my favorite room facing north with a beautiful view, all yellow and blue like Van Gogh’s Starry Night. This artist trusted his life’s work and was not led...
What We Will or Will Not Be

What We Will or Will Not Be

We will not be content existing like the groundhog, burrowing beneath the beauty, hibernating throughout the winters. But like the golden eagle, we will mount up and nest on the cliffs above waterfalls and grasslands, harbingers of the heights, traveling through the...
Through the Tall Wooden Door

Through the Tall Wooden Door

Through the tall wooden door she leaves one realm and enters another, turning the nob, stepping into dawn’s light, streetlights yet lit, half-moon lingers. The sun hovers above horizon, a mirage, holy light, appears with early morning dog walkers. Icicles break free...
On Saving Stories

On Saving Stories

This is the last birthday we all had with Pops. His own pops made it to 62, and his mother and brother to 80. He was sure he wouldn’t make it past the mark of his 8th decade, but he kept going and going seven more years. It was a miracle. I do believe all our days...
Listen Wait Putter Putz

Listen Wait Putter Putz

I open my eyes and wonder what Words await while the sound of rain on the porch roof catches me by surprise. Listen, wait, putter, putz. The open umbrella left to dry billows like a chest taking in air. I inhale, exhaling as the truck idles beside the sidewalk out...

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