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Scattered Pieces of Faith

Scattered Pieces of Faith

Shallow faith didn’t prompt the woman to walk headfirst into a crowd that had already rejected her. She believed. I believe the reputation of the good work being done in our communities will increase not decrease, but it’s another day of overwhelming. Overwhelming...
A New Place

A New Place

I found a spot all to myself. To be alone. All by myself. A place to listen to the water against the rocks, where overhead, gulls fly at ease with the wind. A place to myself. To be quiet. A place to hear the Voice of the Wind speaking the Words that for too long my...


How completely stupid is despair. It doesn’t understand nor learn and it has no desire to. What boring company I sometimes keep. But it’s the one who does understand and has learned that it was in despair’s midst, resurrection lifted its head. What one may regard as...


They walked on the shoreline of La Saladita and she said she needed a coconut shell to carry the treasures she was collecting. Before she had even finished the sentence, she could feel his eyes roaming the sand. He found one within minutes and smashed it against a...
A Time for New Life

A Time for New Life

Advent: Day 19 “What do you want to do with these plants you have in the attic? They’re dead. I’m bringing them down,” Todd said. “Oh, I know. I killed them.” Neither of the two orchids had shown any signs of life for months but I had kept hoping. I had to accept my...

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