




The Call

The Call

“When a magazine publisher asks you to submit something, you do it,” Author Kim Suhr said last night at her book signing event with writer/poet Jim Landwher interviewing her at Boswell Book Company for her new book, Close Call. “Carefully crafted, surprising, and...
Growing Down

Growing Down

It was a regular weekday morning and we were just running a few ordinary errands, like taking my car in for new brake pads, picking up some milk, when just outside the grocery story, I came across this extraordinary beauty. It took my breath away, especially the busy...
A Living Writing GPS

A Living Writing GPS

Trevi Fountain We were in Rome, my sister-in-law Georgine and me, with all the historical landmarks and monuments as guideposts. My husband Todd had arranged the trip, but flew home early to give us time alone. Right, he trusted me to find my way. I didn’t think we’d...

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