by Deb Farris | Dec 22, 2022 | Advent, Devotions, Nature, Uncategorized
Joy, how do we meet with you? How are you made manifest In the fury? Where do you begin and, tell me, Will you ever end? Are you like the broken iceberg Weighted by the storm, loosened From the shore, now set afloat and free? Or are you like the waves that make...
by Deb Farris | Dec 21, 2022 | Advent, Devotions
O that we would have eyes to see the beauty within each other’s eyes and know the longing within each other’s sighs. O that we would have eyes to see the One who has no form within each other, until what is a mystery or lacking meaning, with new eyes would see and...
by Deb Farris | Dec 17, 2022 | Advent, Musings
It was eleven degrees outside and still dark. We were drinking coffee. “Did you really write that? A wee Babe’s face? Todd asked after I read him my poem. “I did. You don’t like it?” “Wee?” “What?” “We don’t talk that way,” he said attempting a Scottish accent. “A...
by Deb Farris | Dec 15, 2022 | Faith, Haiku, Musings
I turn the handle On the faucet, icy cold Water pours into The sink, and then I Notice the ladybug. In Seconds it’s pummeled, Wings spread wide as it Tries to fly. Imagine that Tiny bug staying Afloat. It circles One way and then the other Almost losing the Battle....
by Deb Farris | Dec 10, 2022 | Advent, Devotions, Poetry
Fanny sleeps, Mary Watches as Todd fixes the Window that blew off The house. I breath in The scent of pine and coffee And wonder if there Was a send-off. I Look at the lights on our tree And wonder if Christ Met with Moses or Walked with the Father beside Glistening...