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Loneliness Becomes Loveliness

Loneliness Becomes Loveliness

Different moods of water float with ease through broken ice. Let our moods too. As water is drawn through rocky shores toward sandy beaches, may we be drawn to? What is love that it should shine through the dark nights of our souls? What is darkness that it should...
Becoming Beautiful

Becoming Beautiful

O that we would have eyes to see the beauty within each other’s eyes and know the longing within each other’s sighs. O that we would have eyes to see the One who has no form within each other, until what is a mystery or lacking meaning, with new eyes would see and...
Mystery Merges With Miraculous

Mystery Merges With Miraculous

It was eleven degrees outside and still dark. We were drinking coffee. “Did you really write that? A wee Babe’s face? Todd asked after I read him my poem. “I did. You don’t like it?” “Wee?” “What?” “We don’t talk that way,” he said attempting a Scottish accent. “A...
One Tiny Wonder

One Tiny Wonder

I turn the handle On the faucet, icy cold Water pours into The sink, and then I Notice the ladybug. In Seconds it’s pummeled, Wings spread wide as it Tries to fly. Imagine that Tiny bug staying Afloat. It circles One way and then the other Almost losing the Battle....
On Being Safe and Receiving Grace

On Being Safe and Receiving Grace

Some trees grow straight and Some trees grow curved, but they all Grow in the same woods. My heart is breaking for those who have walked away from their churches and faith because of people’s opinions, or lack of opinion. My heart is breaking over any time I didn’t...

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