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Words Whispered

We whisper words The day’s begun We bow our heads Before the sun Bring Power Bring Majesty To this earth So within all life There is rebirth We will not doubt Your Presence still But lift our eyes Up to the hill Send down Your Grace And teach us Love Keep our...

Saturday Sunrise 

Bend toward the rising sun To the flames of the Spirit’s brush Longing to see, to hear, to know, to follow, to do what is just.  Given to each is good purpose and promises in the Word Open ears to listen to the Voice in the wind unheard.  Grant Wisdom and clear...

Beneath the Surface

            The sun lifts its head from a world unknown.  Glades of light make pathways into rocky depths revealing what’s been hidden throughout the night. The icy tears lay like stones cast out over unsettled waters. Set in their ways, stones cannot be lifted...

A Safe Duck

It takes four hours for a chick to come out of its shell, up to ten for the runt who may be abandoned by its mother as she manages a dozen or so waddling, roving, hungry ducklings, anxious for a swim. The child watches and takes the tiny wet mass of feathers into her...

Getting Dressed

Good morning! It’s time to get dressed. Don’t rush, as some do, reaching for the obvious with, “Hurry up, get busy!” already on their minds. I will clothe your mind. I will cover you in stain-free white. See how the sun flickers through the...

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