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Right in Front of You

a/k/a Growing Roots Move forward. Be in the present moment. Live in the here and now they tell us. So why look back? I’m reminded of a sermon I heard years ago in which the pastor used this familiar analogy: “There once were two people riding in a wagon...

The Heart Calls Out to Patience

And so the trail-blazing career of my father begins — William P. Wenzler Architects, established in 1955.  It’s been a bit of a climb getting to this point.  There are so many stories to share and my dad is a man of detail.  He doesn’t miss a thing. ...

And So the Wind Blows

I’m back home in Milwaukee where my cat walks across the keyboard when I type and then settles into my lap so that I have to balance my iPad on one knee. Her name is Rose.  She cries to go out one minute and cries to come in the next. She’s a talker and a...

A Bat and Other Distractions

I’ve become greedy with my time. I admit it. I’ve never experienced such blissful solitude as I have these last days on the Island. I find I need little else than hours to think and write without distractions. That’s hard to find in the life I lead....

Morning Musing

As I was making my coffee this morning two deer walked right past the kitchen window.  It’s always magical to see them up close, don’t you think?  I took my cup and went to the porch to sit in the director’s chair Mom always sat in and looked out over the...

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