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A Tattered Worker

A Tattered Worker

Desolation and isolation close in on me. I wake every hour through the night, and wake in the morning wondering if God wants me to engage in more Zoom meetings. I know He is there when two or more are gathered in His name and crying out to Him. Or is this the time to...
The Unfolding

The Unfolding

I place my notebook down on the table, then pick it up again, to lay it back down. I walk away and walk back, passing it by only to return. The words inside are scrambled, my mind spins a yolk–an embryo of thoughts all stuck together. Then it finally occurs to...
Beauty Enters Slowly

Beauty Enters Slowly

I have been buried in budgets at work and almost missed it. Today would have been my mom’s 88th birthday. Born two days and 25 years apart we often celebrated our birthdays together. After I got married and moved back to Milwaukee in 1999, we spent that time on...

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