




Stirred by a Noble Theme

Stirred by a Noble Theme

  My heart is stirred by a noble theme. It is not the first time. But I will not let it go this time. He comes to me in the early morning hours. I wait, listening for the wind but hear none. It’s too early for the birds so I lie in silence. Only the sounds from within...
A Day of Dance in the City

A Day of Dance in the City

I haven’t had the head space to write this past week (though I tried to gather some thoughts on the Old Testament Book of Judges…phew, that’s a tough one! Maybe good to take a break. To be continued.) Anyway, I’m not sure this video I made from...
Would You Like to Dance?

Would You Like to Dance?

I am a dancer and I work at a nonprofit called Danceworks. I usually write about my work on our Danceworks blog instead of here. This is my personal blog but since this post ventures a little into the personal, I thought it might be better served here. Our mission at...
The Dance for Liberty and Justice

The Dance for Liberty and Justice

We have no control over what someone does to us. What we have control over is our response. The dance teaches our students to respond to the missteps, failures and rejections of others with grace, respect and patience. It guides them to respond to their dance partner...
Moving Together Toward Greater Sensitivity

Moving Together Toward Greater Sensitivity

It was her tone. Her tone on the voicemail went right through me. Her words would roll off (or I would try to let them). They weren’t a big deal. I mean, they were to her, so they mattered to me. She was upset about the way her envelope had been addressed. In the...

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