




Still Bearing Fruit

Still Bearing Fruit

Little tree, I do meet, perchance, strolling on a summer day Your fruit plentiful, with youthful blush you flourish But what of these limbs when winter bares and night winds blow No color then, nor overflowing branches to shade this ground Harvest complete, or so it...
Still Bearing Fruit

Still Bearing Fruit

Little tree, I do meet perchance, strolling on a summer day. Your fruit so plentiful, branches loaded, you are a picture of abundance. But what of these limbs when winter bare? Stark and colorless, no billowing form to shade this ground. Harvest complete, or so it...
There Really is a Popeye!

There Really is a Popeye!

The story below was originally posted on my blog called Sundays with Dad in October 2013. I found out today that Popeye passed away yesterday, so I dug it up and am reposting it here in his honor. Here’s to you Popeye. Love you always and God bless you… It...

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