Part of the thermostat hose broke off Todd’s car last week causing a coolant hose to come off and all of the coolant to puke out. It left a little mess in his parking garage at work.

I went to meet him at the lakefront where he had pulled over on his way home when the engine died.

We went back to the car after dinner and he pieced it back together himself using a clamp so there was no need for a tow truck.

That got him to work the next morning, but it didn’t get him home that night.

So the following morning on the third day, I dropped him off with some super gorilla glue. He reattached the hose by applying it with Q tips. That worked. It held. He drove home.

But we took the car to the shop this morning. I followed behind in case he didn’t make it. He made it.

Of course he did. He fixes things all the time, broken parts, broken things, broken hearts. I know this because he has fixed mine.

And I’m not the only one. He pays attention to the little things people do that make a difference each day, and that makes a big difference. They say so at his work. When things are hard, people notice he’s “sure and steady.”

He’s a walking, talking super guerrilla glue kind of guy.

And we love him.

He’ll be mad at me for posting this but that’s okay. Sometimes a girl’s just gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.

Oh, and, yes, that’s a guitar on the floor of his office…

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