My heart is stirred by a noble theme. It is not the first time. But I will not let it go this time.

He comes to me in the early morning hours. I wait, listening for the wind but hear none. It’s too early for the birds so I lie in silence. Only the sounds from within fill my head, like words pressing against my ears wanting escape. These thoughts come to me, doubts and wonder mixed together, like siracha honey cream cheese.

I made it through the event on His strength, not mine.

I sat reading as I do at the start of the day, head bowed, chest weighted with anticipation and fear the duties of the day were greater than my strength. He knows I am weary. He  allows it. I wonder why He asks this of me when He sees me in all of my weakness.

I have written out the words I have prepared to speak to 1000 children and the accompanying adults, all those supporting them. I want to support them. I have asked Him what to say and prayed that it would be His Presence and not mine that people see. With this, I gain the confidence I need to prepare for the day. I dress quickly, stopping to make a concoction of protein and fruit to take with me and am out the door.

I move through the day with ease and joy that astounds me. He is with me and all around me. I had asked this as I walked the halls of the stadium, praying for His blessing on all who passed through. I hear laughter and music, see gentleness, glowing smiles, and shining eyes all throughout the day.

We work hard but efficiently and share lunch, break bread together, all those who, like me, believe in the mission of our work to bring joy, health, and creativity to our city through dance. Dance is so much more than meets the eye, I say this over and over again. Dance is the heart in motion, stirring the spirit to new life, busting through darkness, bringing this miraculous joy and restoration. I believe they have all witnessed this today.

His hand is on me. At times it feels heavy, for He has allowed much sickness in my family, yet through this He has drawn us near to His own heart. A heart that knows all suffering and grief. It has allowed us to set aside our own ambitions and be trained to fight His good fight. In sickness we have found wholeness, in grief, our joy.

I know His joy is before me but it is also in me, coming at the most unexpected moments. His light is around me, His warmth–this healing strength–in me, His grace is ever before me. I am His dwelling place.

My days now have but one focus. To live for Him, for I, too, have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but He who lives in me. I accept what comes with the same hope of renewal that dance brings to the children. I see the light in their faces and feel His light.

I wait with great anticipation on days that seem confusing. The world rushes by faster and faster. Who hears His voice? I want to be with them. I want more of Him and less of the world except for its beauty, the touch of His glory in all creation.

The sky is lightening now, I sip coffee…stillness at the break of dawn, this exquisite peace.,,His love knows no limits. Yes, my heart is stirred by a noble theme.

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