The one good thing about a spring snowfall is that you can have a lengthy Sunday afternoon nap and take a walk in it while it’s still light out! Last month I would have already been pouring a glass of wine and cooking dinner at 6:00.

Springtime takes on an otherworldliness covered in snow. The world is a wonder of color set against white.

The seagulls seemed content to saunter along in the layered beauty,

but I worried about the robin. Will it be okay?

So I did church outside tonight. It was a long week and the roads were covered in ice this morning. I can’t say that that’s why we stayed in this morning. I love taking on the elements and having that sense I am one with something much bigger than me, but I was tired and Sam seemed happy at the prospect of having us home.

We spent a lot of time on the couch together. I kept dozing off. So did he. Sometimes you just need to let down, take a nap and go for a walk.

This is one of my favorite views at the water.

Sometimes we live on the edges of society instead of actually stepping into it. Isolation breeds discontentment, despair and loneliness.

And with technology we can connect to the world from the comfort of our living room couch.

But life is so much better when we share in it together.

I don’t know what you’re going through today but I just wanted to let you know that you are Loved.

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