~turning hearts toward the hope of eternity
I’m a little late sharing this story that was published for Holy Week, but I’m very grateful to Jennifer Wier for including me in her HOMEWARD BOUND series. I’d feel remiss if I didn’t, plus it’s also really nice to connect with you all on this special day. May every day be a Resurrection day as we travel the road ahead!
(This) “Holy Week, Deb Farris sings over us a beautiful song of a prodigal returned home. If you’ve been wandering and it’s been a while since you’ve braved turning toward the Father, this story just might make you want to step back into a church again, trusting that no matter how long you’ve been gone, your Father waits with open arms.” ~Jennifer Wier
A Song for the Prodigal
By Deborah W. Farris

I was sitting in my father’s chair (it creaks so badly, as if mimicking my own bones) and humming a Hymn a friend reminded me of. A Hymn that brought back a Sunday in 2006 at Bethel Church on Washington Island with my family.
We all sang in the choir that day–all of us. My mom asked us to. We didn’t always do what she asked us to do, but that day we did. She played the piano.
Their voices came back to me as I hummed the Hymn and read the words, “And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Savior’s blood? Died he for me who caused his pain, for me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be that thou my God should die for me?”
To read the story:
It is really good Deb.
Gary, thanks. That means a lot.