​[wpvideo 6Kj3sZ62]It was hard to say au revoir to Paradou…I hugged Jean-Pierre and Mireille at least three times each (I can’t help myself) along with the appropriate bisous, and then they stood at the driveway and waved goodbye just like my parents used to do.

There was no need to worry about finding good food at the train station in Avignon. I was starving. Honestly, I had the best smoked salmon on pumpernickel I’ve ever had. I can’t even describe the bread. How can bread be dense and light at the same time? It was nutty rich and good with tomato, chèvre and escarole. I ate one sandwich in the station and got another for the train along with a poulet on French for Todd. It was really cool that a piano sat waiting to be played and it was, by a woman looking very much like Mom.

We rode through sunshine and rain then back to sun before arriving in Paris in the rain. We got our same room back at the Walt. Home sweet home.

One more day and then I get to see Sammy!!!❤️???? And Mary!!!???????? ????????????????

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