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And there it was again, Song of Songs!

The binding of my Bible is broken so that it automatically opens to Song of Songs. After a few times of reading over the words I’d underlined over the years, I ignored it and moved on to the Chapters I was studying (one chapter from each: OT, Psalms, Gospels and NT.)

This morning I opened the new Bible I received that accompanies my work through the AACC Mental Health Coach Certification. Guess what? Right. Again! Even with a strong binding: Song of Songs.

My eyes landed on the verse set apart on the page, “My lover is mine, and I am his.” In my old Bible, I had written in the margin, My Lord is mine, and I am his.


I’m in the process of filling out an application to serve on the One to One Care team through my church. During my training with AACC, I only needed to discover the suicide rate in America (more than 42,000 people a year) to realize the great need and move forward in this area. There are so many hopeless, hurting people covering up deep, deep despair walking around. In some ways, on some days, isn’t it all of us?

Doesn’t everyone deserve hope, even if it’s just for the day? (My mom once asked me.)

I ask myself if there is anything more important than being a vessel of hope for another hurting soul? I was once hopeless and someone came to walk along side me, now it’s my turn to get serious about reminding someone else how deeply they are loved and known—One to One.

According to my NIV Study Bible, the phrase, “Song of Songs,” means the greatest of Songs—King of kings and Lord of lords. Think “The Messiah” and hear the music.

This Book of the Bible is of course a love song, a song of love between two people so precious, “if one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love, it would be utterly scorned.”—its worth is unsurpassed. (vs. 8:7b.) The Book is also said to be an allegory of the love relationship between God and Israel, or between Christ and the church, or between Christ and the soul.

There it is.

Whether or not you view this as a coincidence—the opening up of either my new or my old Bible to the exact spot—isn’t really the point. I am reminded of Christ’s love for me. And that is the point.

The last big question on the One to One Care Application was this: Describe briefly your relationship with Jesus. I wrote that it’s a story of love, the greatest Love Story. Before we loved God, He loved us. Christ died for that love. How remarkable to be affirmed, God agreed with my answer.

Then Christ rose again! Which reminds me…

Do you remember that rose bush I wrote about called One Spring Morning? How I cut it back last fall because it had grown so tall? And how this past spring when I removed the burlap sack it was dead, dead, dead? So I cut it down to a stub and have been watching it all summer, watering and giving it Rose Food. Well, look at this!

Yes, love, redemption, transformation and new life, Christ Jesus gives us. God’s mercies are new every morning. I had a lot to say on the application about this relationship, but one picture says it all.

Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus, he’s always available for a One to One!

“Come away my lover (Lord) and be like a gazelle or like a young stag (display your strength and agility for my delight) on the spice-laden mountains.” (Song of Songs 8:14.)

Do you have a relationship with Jesus? If so, how would you briefly describe it? I had a hard time being brief…

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