If you, in the midst of the carols and cards carry sorrow, don’t be discouraged. It was a dark day for Him too. He made Himself nothing to give us the light of His Knowledge in a wee Babe’s face. Though a great company of heavenly hosts appeared saying, “Glory!”, He laid in straw in a gloomy dank place—the heart of the world.

Now here our hearts lay. Waiting expectantly for His Light that flames the fibers of our inmost being, enlightening, warming, refining, extinguishing, overwhelming the old life, quickening us to the place where we will no longer fear His Flame because everything combustible will have been consumed.

Poor, and knowing sorrow—the deepest of the deep—He came, and comes into the dark cold cave of our hearts with His Igniting Love. His rebirth—Gift Everlasting—is received with sorrow, with humility. And with awe. 

 Christ’ Mass

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