A friend asked me yesterday how I was feeling, I said, “Really good.” She’s the kind of friend that searches past your words.
“Really?” She said with a little furrow in her brow.
“Really,” I said. “I am.” She didn’t seem convinced, she’s that way. “Well, you look really well,” she said.
“I feel better than before.”
“It’s like when you dance, your body learns how to compensate for an injury. I think the rest of my body got stronger as it supported the part that was ill. And I got lots of extra good care and prayer!” I said. “So now I’m stronger than before!”
“Oh,” she said. “I like that.”
And as my friend Nancy said at our Bible study that morning, it’s no different than when one person helps another. “It may be hard because of what they’re going through,” she said, “but you’ll discover when you help someone, it opens up the door to Joy!”
Joy makes us stronger.
It is a new season, new needs like leaves all around us. And you only need to see the leaves to get a glimpse of the Beauty that’s possible.

New seasons have always inspired me to begin something in my life I’ve been meaning to do for awhile. A project or even a new habit. Maybe even make a commitment I have ben avoiding. If not the fish bite better in the fall (my natural default). Our leaves are just starting to turn as well. Summer is still fighting back
Great analogy, Gary. I wonder what I might be fighting back…? Or maybe it’s just time to start fishing…?
“Joy makes us stronger.” Amen.
The walleye and northern pike are biting Deb…just saying
Wonderful post! Spent the day digging potatoes. Hopefully after a night’s rest, I will be stronger.
I’ve no doubt, Jon! 😀
I too was taken by your statement “Joy makes us stronger.” Well said, Deb! It’s true: as we focus on praise and gratitude to God, we find our spirits lifted, and we’re better able to cope with life’s circumstances. It’s what scripture teaches: “The joy of the Lord IS our strength” (Nehemiah 8:10c, emphasis added)!
Nancy, that is such a precious scripture to me. Thank you for bringing it in! ❤️
May the fullness of joy take you down the path of life as you pluck the pleasures from the Lord’s hand.
“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Psalm 16:11
Karen, what a delightful treasure to find. Thank you for your beautiful comment. I’m so sorry I missed it earlier! But I found it! ❤️