Look to Me, He says. Joy invades, fear runs, hope wins.

Life is yours, revitalizing, transforming, flowing.

Go on, tell others what saved you. Now is not the time to be silent. Tell the story of how you were saved from the death of your spirit. How you fought until you had no more strength, until the light of your precious soul went dark.

I asked, what is sin?

That’s simple, He said. It’s anything that interferes with knowing how high and deep and wide God’s Love is for you. The darkness of night, the abuse, sickness, the loss, the grief of death only drew you deeper into My Love. You learned to open your heart until you understood the words of long ago that can’t be matched–but whatever were gains for me, I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.*

He told me I will speak a new language of love. Faced with others’ rage, confronted by their criticism, I will not be hurt. He said I will touch the brokenhearted and know what it is to heal and see transformation.

He freed me from the entanglements that held me back.

My Lord’s eyes are on me. His Grace, within. His hand, guiding. His Love, redeeming.

Now go and live, He says, like never before.


 In memory of my dear friend Sally Bjorkman, who showed me Grace

*Philippians 3:7 (NIV)

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