“Oh no, I forgot my headphones,” I say. It’s 4:30 am.
“There’s always something,” Todd says as the morning air whooshes through the car so Fannie can have her head out the window.
“I know, but I had to buy a new pair at the airport the last trip because I forgot them and they weren’t cheap.”
“Do you have those stashed away somewhere?”
“No. They’re earbuds. I don’t like them. They hurt my ears.”
“Uh, yeah…bad purchase.”
“I can look on-line and send some to you. Or maybe I won’t because you might buy some.” These are the moments love shows up so unexpectedly.
“I won’t buy any,” I say.
“Well, you have two hours in Chicago remember.”
“Writers have no problem filling time.”
“Oh, that’s right. And you still have your Bible study to do. That will take an hour and a half.”
I couldn’t believe his tenderness at the crack of dawn. I write it down, these sacred little moments of love, to wear like a locket around my neck. He knows I hate to fly and that I have concerns on my mind.
“Call me when you get to Tucson. No, wait. On second thought, call me when you get to Chicago…”
Right. I’m dangerous.
An hour and a half flew by in Chicago. There’s lots to pray about these days. Six years ago today, we were enjoying summer vacation together with the nieces. This year is not what we hoped for or expected, but these are the places love grows more than one can imagine or ever expect.

“Wherever we go, whatever we do, we’re gonna go through it together.” ❤️

Love your posts.
Personal question if you don’t mind… when, how did your spiritual depth begin? Was it always there?
In the midst of my saddest of saddest grief. My walk with Jesus has been like a long slow waltz of surrender, of learning to dance with the Spirit, of letting him lead and learning to follow. Thanks for asking, Mark!❤️
Praying for you Deb as well as the family in Tucson! ❤️❤️❤️
“ letting him lead and learning to follow. ” this is where I struggle. I was raised as a Lutheran, but moved away from the Church, my spiritual side for many years. It’s a long road back… I’m always learning from other’s’ stories.
Thank you!
Aww, thank you Robin. That means a lot. ❤️❤️❤️
A fixed or floating deck would look good on that beach.
Good trip, lady!
Thanks, Carlos.
Good return, Deb!
Me too! It’s a day by day discipline that becomes a flow and beautiful way of being in life.
My own journey deeper began with starting the day in God’s Love Letter to us. I finally gave my dad’s discipline a try. My parents read from 4 sections of the Bible each morning and he tried to train his kids to do the same. We eventually did. 😅 He told me, “Read a section from the OT, Psalms, Gospels, and NT. Read as much or as little as you want. You will be amazed how the Holy Spirit threads it together.” He was right. It began to feel as if God were speaking directly to me. And that began my conversations with God. I wrote down everything I heard and discovered I loved to write!
It’s so wonderful to be Known,Understood, and Cared for!! That’s how love grows. Why do people think it grows best by buying expensive things or going to places others talk about? Intimacy is knowing me and accepting me. God even knows the number of hairs on my head! He sees every sparrow that falls, and I’m far more important to Him than the sparrows. Wow! I’m praying for you today.♥️♥️
Nancy, what an absolute joy to have you join me here! Thank you for sharing your wisdom. And thank you for your powerful prayers! Love you❤️❤️❤️