Just as the whiff of lavender wafted through the air of my bedroom a year ago this week—and I was certain it was her—my mother’s essence had enveloped me as I sat reading the Creation story. In seven days, what was unseen became seen. At the end of Mom’s last seven days on earth, we watched as God opened the Door—as death became Life.
Originally posted on October 29, 2016 (revised)
In the beginning God created.
Formless, yet occupied, darkness shielded the dwelling place of her soul.
The Spirit of God was hovering, protecting, participating in the creative work.
God spoke into her, Light. He knew Light was Good. He separated light from darkness for her to discover, offering a vast canopy over her head, a greenhouse of beauty to delight in, the sun and sky, moon, the water. He offered His Hand to help give her bearings.
Good and perfect balance He offered. Two ears He gave her to hear His Voice, two eyes to see His Unseen Face. And Freedom. He gave her freedom to hear and to see and to choose—freedom to fill her mind, her senses, her lungs, her stomach, her heart.
Formed from a seed, He breathed into her, His Life, created in His Image, both male and female. Seedbearing. Fruitful. Amazing. Wonder-filled.
One day, one hour, one second. She chose.
Childlike amazement gained eyes for the Unseen, her foundation, her purpose designed and created by Him.
She heard, she saw, she lived, and then walked with Him into Eternity.
Dolores (Dee) Rahn Wenzler
June 20, 1930 – November 6, 2011

(Cover photo: morning walk along Lake Michigan, October 31, 2017)

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