It was a regular weekday morning and we were just running a few ordinary errands, like taking my car in for new brake pads, picking up some milk, when just outside the grocery story, I came across this extraordinary beauty. It took my breath away, especially the busy bee!

Think of the roots it took to grow this giant stalk of a flower. And I realized, I’ve learned not to stay too busy so there’s time to dig down into the root of things.

“It’s time to come out of hiding,” an old friend said recently when he saw me at a concert.

It caught me by surprise. I haven’t been hiding. My life has moved on in new directions. I have to work at protecting my time, because there is always so much happening beyond the surface that I don’t want to miss.

I’ve become quite comfortable with the warmth beneath the earth where the unseen roots grow deep. Sometimes I can literally feel myself “growing down”, so to speak, into the roots of my life. My faith.

But lately, I’ve also been feeling this magnetic pull. Yes. Upward.

And I can’t hold back a need to let the new growth pop up and out and into the light.

The time for the Sun, must come.

What does that mean?

I think it might mean something like this: that we first need to be rooted and established in love, so that we can receive power, together, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep this love is that surpasses knowledge, so that we may be filled to the measure of the fullness of God.*

*Pondering Ephesians 3:17-19 and this:

I am the Root and the offering of David, and the bright morning star.” Rev 22:16

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