I am moving into my first fall without the burden of balancing numbers. My calendar is open and what I fill it with will be determined by how I am filled.
I will ask for good balance as I begin what I used to call a new fiscal year, I have entered a new dance and I am following.
I have no problem filling my days. I live more and more within the moments. Only when I try to lead does my hope become less. Hopeless.
God has a plan. And He’s moving. God is moving His plan forward. His plan, according to His love, according to His will, is moving forward.
Moment by moment we are part of His plan. We are all a part of the plan with a purpose. God is working all the time for one thing. Redemption of the world.
With faithfulness, with love, God is moving things forward even when things seem to be moving backward and we say, “Why God?” Why!
His ways are not our ways. His plan of Redemption is His plan: Redemption of the world and everything in it. This world, like each of us, will be made new.
According to God’s plan, all things are being made new. He turns death into life. He makes dancing out of mourning.
Love doesn’t end with death.
So why would we?

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