Sustaining can sometimes mean surviving and surviving can sometimes be a battle–organizationally and personally. 

When I’ve been faced with limitations, my own or otherwise, I’ve said, You are my Refuge. Sustain me according to Your Purpose. Do not let my hopes be dashed.

I have done my best to do what is right and good. Do not leave me to my oppressors. Ensure my well-being. Deal with me according Your Love and teach me. Give me discernment that I may understand Your Ways. I hate every wrong path.

The wind blew in through the screen just then and interrupted my thoughts. The familiar leaves in all their fullness gave a shudder and I noticed they were spotted. The tree has been dying for a while but it battles on. 

When we first moved into this old house, all the trees that lined the streets, creating a majestic canopy overhead, had to be cut down because of Dutch Elm disease. It was heartbreaking but we watched as they were replaced with perky little stalks ready to show their own potential. Now, almost fifty years later, they have and create shade and shelter for birds and cats that climb out on roofs….!

Todd? Mary’s on the roof! I need your help. How did she get out there?

I must have left a window open.

Mary! What if I hadn’t come out to look at the trees? You could have been stuck on the ledge all day! Crazy cat. 

I took a seat on the porch and listened to Mary’s rebellious cries as the sound of the wind brought thoughts of fall, and a new season. 

Strength is found in the air and wind, in Hope and Trust. Faith is like the breathing in of Your Divine Mind, refueling, The unfolding of Your Words gives understanding to the simple. 

Turn to me and have mercy on me as You always do to those who love Your Name. Direct my footsteps according to Your Word.

Yes, make Your Face shine on us and teach us according to Your Purpose, according to Your Love, and  according to Your Word.

Psalm 119: 116-133

Off the ledge and safe once again beneath the shade of Your wings.  

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