A child has eyes for surprise.
Innocent. Imaginative. Free-spirited. I think of these. Apple trees and cornfields. A big red barn. Double Dutch and Four Square. I think of these things too.
What I don’t often think of is how totally dependent I was as a child on my parents to provide for my needs. Physically, emotionally, spiritually.
I think of my son then, how often I failed to provide his needs physically, emotionally, spiritually, falling so short of being the parent I had hoped to be. If there’s anything that can bust my heart open it’s that.
And it’s then I realize how totally dependent I am on God.
Children held no special position in Jesus’ time, but what they did have was an innocent willingness to believe. He taught that this was the ideal disposition.
As an adult, there is nothing easy about surrendering self-dependence, being childlike. Sometimes it gets harder the harder we try. Then Grace comes along.
We did nothing to deserve Grace and yet God offers it. We don’t deserve it. He knows this. That’s why He offers it. To set us free, every single time.
Every single one of us, His Beloved.
Every single moment, reliance, like a little child, on God to meet every single need. These are hard times, especially for our children, He hasn’t let me down yet.
Open wide your eyes this day, and expect nothing less than beautiful surprise.
Feature photo by my niece Taylor Slocum. Her son Jace on his first day at a new school.

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