It was such an unexpectedly cold day yesterday. And windy. We thought it was going to be in the 60s but you know what they always say here, “Cooler near the lake…”
The sand was blowing like gusts of fog so I walked with my head down. Todd tied his hood tight and walked backwards. Fannie pulled on her leash, ears straight out sideways in the wind.

Only one other person was on the beach. We called him Ringo when we were in high school. I don’t know why.
I knew it was him because of his long curly reddish hair sticking out from his hat inside the hood. And by his hunched over posture. He added a piece of driftwood to a construction someone had started. Maybe him.

I love forts. They remind me of giant fairy houses.
As we walked on in the unexpectedly blustery day against the wind, there were so many magnificent pieces of driftwood lying about. I was sorry we were walking away from the fairy fort and not towards it.

That’s when the idea came to turn around and walk back the way we came instead of head up St. Mary’s Hill as usual. It was Todd’s idea after I said as much. He was skipping stones, timing them to land inbetween the waves like a master. “Five six seven!” I yelled, ready to turn around. But he kept going along the stretch of beach ahead. “Five,” he said. I followed, my head mostly down. “Five’s my favorite number,” I said.

Then, just like that, the windy cold sand blowing stretch of lakefront became a wonder-land. A land of wonders. Now I had a mission. Isn’t that the point of life? To turn an “against the wind” kind of day in day out drudgery into an adventure?

It’s funny how quickly things can change with a change of attitude. I was no longer in a hurry to return to the house and heat up the soup, toast the baguette and read the Sunday Times I hadn’t gotten to yet. I had a fairy fort to build!

Magnificent, simply magnificent! 🙂
Bruce, well, that makes the wind and so much else worth it!
Ah, a fairy fort! I love it, Deborah. ❤️ You added quite a bit to it, as well. I like how you and Todd and your Golden Doodle turned a cold blustery day into an adventure.
Love this! Every windy element. And I bet the soup tasted even better by the time you got to it. Cheers to fairy forts and embracing headwinds! 🥰
Fun day….we got snow in the bluster. Looks like it might stay til April. Love the beach scene…
Thanks for the big toothy smile and little giggle, Victoria. 💕😄
Thanks David,
It really did take all three! ❤️
And now today we have icy windy snow too!!! I remember the Colorado days when it kept coming down in April. Here’s to boots and scarves and mittens and hats. Reminds me, I better share. Thanks Gary.
Beautiful photos of a lovely day — and I love that dog!!! We had the cold from hell yesterday.
Thanks Martha. We had that today. Winter coat: out of attic. I bet if Fannie met you, she’d love you too!!